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Turkey Population Density

Turkey's Population Statistics

Key Population Indicators

According to Worldometer, Turkey's population in 2023 stands at approximately 86 million, making it the 36th most populous country in the world. The country has a population density of 112 people per square kilometer, with an urban population of 77.1%.

Population Growth and Distribution

Turkey's population has been growing steadily over the years, with an annual growth rate of approximately 0.6%. The country's urban centers, particularly Istanbul and Ankara, have experienced significant population growth due to economic opportunities and migration from rural areas.

Population Density and Elevation

Turkey's population density varies across different regions. The western and northwestern regions, including Istanbul and Ankara, have the highest population density. In contrast, the eastern and southeastern regions are more sparsely populated. Additionally, about 289 people per square mile live in areas below five meters of elevation.


Turkey's population dynamics reflect a complex interplay of urbanization, economic growth, and migration patterns. The country's large population, coupled with its strategic location, makes it a significant player in regional and global affairs. Understanding Turkey's population trends and distribution is essential for policymakers, economists, and researchers seeking to address the challenges and opportunities presented by its dynamic demographic landscape.
